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Clearing the Air: Debunking Vaping Myths

Clearing the Air: Debunking Vaping Myths

At Rhythm N Vape, we want to be your trusted resource for everything vape-related. With the growing popularity of vapes and e-cigarettes, numerous myths have clouded the industry, leaving curious onlookers as well as experienced vapours wondering what is real and what isn't. We're here to clear the air and debunk some common misconceptions you may have heard over the years.

Are e-cigarettes truly damaging to your health? Are they really as harmful as traditional smoking? Join us as we look deeper into these questions and let's sift fact from fiction.

Myth Number 1: Vaping Is just as Harmful as Smoking Cigarettes

Let's kick this off with perhaps the most common myth about vaping. As we all know, and as many studies over the years have shown, traditional tobacco cigarettes are packed with dangerous chemicals and additives. In fact, there are as many as 5,000+ chemicals present in cigarettes and in the smoke produced when smoking. Some of them include Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde, Ammonia, Hydrogen Cyanide, and Arsenic, just to name a few. Many of these are poisonous and at least 69 of them are known to cause cancer.

On the other hand, e-cigarettes produce vapour that contains a mixture of Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerine, Nicotine, and Flavourings - all of which are non-toxic and free from carcinogens. Yes, nicotine is an addictive substance, however, it causes no health side effects that would pose long-term risks.  Additionally, research done by Public Health England states that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful to your health compared to normal cigarettes.

Myth Number 2: Batteries in E-cigarettes Can Explode

There was a time when e-cigarette explosions were an almost daily “Breaking News” topic on TV and in magazines. So, is this some kind of hoax, or is there actually some truth to these claims? 

To be quite honest, it is actually possible for vape batteries to explode or ignite and cause injuries. However, there are many crucial aspects to be explored in order to understand how and why something like this happens. It's important to determine where the device was purchased from, who the manufacturer was, and what the charging method was. 

It all boils down to battery education and safety precautions. Remember, the devices should only be purchased from reputable manufacturers or retailers, and they should be charged and stored exactly as the instructions state. Like any other electrical item, failure to comply with these safety measures can compromise the device's safety, lead to malfunctions, and cause injuries.

Myth Number 3: E-cigarettes Cause “Popcorn Lungs”

Another popular myth that has been circulating for quite some time is associated with the term "popcorn lungs", also known as bronchiolitis obliterans. 

This disease gained its nickname due to its peculiar origin: it was first identified among workers at a popcorn factory who were breathing in the fumes of butter flavouring chemicals, predominantly high levels of diacetyl, which led to blockages and inflammation in lungs. But what is the connection between e-cigarettes and the popcorn factory?

The presence of diacetyl in some e-liquids might have led to the assumption that inhaling this chemical could cause disease. However, in the EU and UK, this chemical has been eliminated from many brands, and only a few continue to use it. The amount, if present, is too small to cause any harm. Manufacturers have to follow certain TPD regulations, which insist on e-liquids being screened for harmful chemicals. It is also important to note that traditional tobacco cigarettes also contain diacetyl in significantly higher concentrations compared to e-liquids.

Myth Number 4: Nicotine Causes Cancer

Even to this day, many people believe that nicotine is the primary cause of cancer. However, nicotine is not a known carcinogen! 

Yes, it can be addictive, but it actually poses minimal health risks. Many people have actually used nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to stop smoking and this method is often prescribed by doctors.

And yes, certain chemicals are present in e-cigarettes, but the levels are usually much lower compared to those in traditional tobacco cigarettes.

Myth Number 5: E-liquid flavours are designed to attract kids

You've probably heard that some e-liquids offer flavours like Strawberry Pina Colada, Rainbow Candy, Strawberry Shortcake, or Cookie Cravings...Sounds delicious, right?

And because of these mouth-watering flavours, many people believe that the vaping industry is trying to attract the younger generation and kids to turn them into smokers. But, what many people seem to forget is that adults have a sweet tooth too!

The Institute of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) has been keeping an eye on underage use of both traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes since 2013. Their studies have revealed that over 77% of teenagers surveyed have never tried vaping at all, while 10.5% are not even aware of what vapes or e-cigarettes are. The UK government has also updated laws regarding the sale of tobacco, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes. Consequently, it is now illegal for individuals under the age of 18 to purchase products containing nicotine. It is also illegal for vendors to sell nicotine-containing e-liquids to people under 18, both in stores and online.

However, there is a grey area when it comes to nicotine-free products. The law doesn’t specify an age limit for e-liquids and vapes that contain 0% nicotine. Nevertheless, most reputable vendors are not willing to sell these products to underaged people. As vendors, this is one of the measures we can take to prevent underage smoking habits.

Myth Number 6: Second-hand Vapour Is Harmful

I'm sure we've all heard about the harmful effects of second-hand smoking. And because many people link vaping to smoking traditional cigarettes, they incorrectly believe that vaping has the same health concerns.

Numerous studies have reached the conclusion that second-hand vaping is harmless and does not affect others. One of these studies was conducted by the California Department of Public Health. They took air samples in small, non-ventilated vape shops throughout the state. The results indicated no dangerous levels of toxic chemicals, suggesting that second-hand vapour does not influence those around you.

However, if you find yourself in the company of others, particularly children, try to refrain from vaping in their face, just out of politeness.

The Key Takeaways

As we come to an end to our deep dive into the most popular myths surrounding e-cigarettes and vaping, it's important to remember: education is key when navigating the world of vaping. We have tried to explain a series of myths to allow you to make an informed decision. But just a friendly reminder: your health is the most important, so always prioritise it.

If you enjoyed this article and want to read more, don't forget to browse through our blog posts. Let’s continue enlightening one another, and above all, enjoying the rhythm of vaping together.

And if you're new to vaping or seeking to upgrade to a higher-quality vaping device, we invite you to explore our vast selection of products. From disposable vapes ideal for beginners to a wide range of e-liquids, mods and tanks for the experienced, there's something for everyone at Rhythm N Vape.



Is vaping bad for you?

The health effects of vaping depend on various factors such as usage and the presence of harmful elements in the e-liquid. While vaping likely carries some health risks, it's seen as potentially less harmful compared to conventional smoking. 

Is vaping better than smoking?

Many health professionals believe vaping to be a less harmful alternative to smoking, as it eliminates the inhalation of many toxic and carcinogenic substances found in tobacco smoke.

What is the legal age for vaping?

The legal age for buying and using vaping devices varies by country. In the UK, you must be 18 or over to purchase e-cigarettes or e-liquids.

Are there any side effects of vaping?

Some people may experience side effects such as dry mouth, dizziness, and coughing. These can vary on individual response and the contents of the vape liquid.

Does vaping cause cancer?

While vaping often involves inhaling nicotine, which is an addictive substance, it's primarily the plethora of other chemicals in tobacco smoke that are carcinogenic. As of now, there isn't any evidence suggesting that vaping causes cancer. 

Does vaping make you tired?

Some people may experience tiredness after vaping, possibly due to dehydration caused by the vape liquid. So, as always, don't forget to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water!

Does vaping make you gain weight?

There's no direct link between vaping and weight gain. However, it can sometimes impact eating habits which could potentially lead to weight changes.

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